The two most powerful words when we are in struggle – me too.
—Brené Brown
The focus it takes to stay active is the focus you need for your recovery. Great news: you already have the focus you need; it’s just a matter of refocusing your focus.
I know you feel like your world is upside down right now, and you can’t do what you love most. Instead of running, riding your bike, or participating in the sport you love, now you have time on your hands, and you don’t know what to do with it. The longer you do nothing, the worse you feel.
You can either spend that time feeling disconnected and bitter, or we can work together and you can use your extra time to mentally train while you physically cannot. After all, your mind is your sharpest weapon, so don’t miss this opportunity to hone it!
When we work together you can expect to feel more patient, less frustrated, and less angry or sad. You’ll make better health care decisions, pick up a new skill or three, and optimize your recovery. I’ve been where you are; I get it; and I know the way out.
Together we will uncover your resilience and the tools you’ll need to create a roadmap for making forward progress while you’re injured and beyond.
Every injury journey is unique. I approach each recovery roadmap individually based on each client’s needs and wants. I am invested in your outcome and your success is extremely important to me. Why?—two reasons. First, I created Injured Athlete’s Toolbox because injury led me to my passion—guiding people through a maze whose way out eluded me. Second, my success rests on positive referrals. It’s just that simple.
First, we’ll start by meeting for a 70-minute comprehensive consultation. During the first 10 minutes you’ll get to know my background, research, and process. Then, we’ll talk about your story and accompanying challenges. I’ll provide a layout of gaps and opportunities. You’ll get a customized list of three-to-four action steps and tools you can employ immediately to start feeling better, and you’ll receive a video recording of your consultation. Please fill out the form below to schedule.
A comprehensive consultation is a $185 investment in your recovery
What I do can best be compared to life coaching specific to the needs of injured athletes.
I typically work one on one with clients over the course of 8, 12, or 16 weeks because progress doesn’t happen overnight. I customize packages to include “you want to get out of the hole” coaching sessions (see below) plus any additional support needed (also see below) based on clients’ challenges and goals.
While working together we’ll determine what tools you’ll need on your journey and create a plan to address your specific challenges and help you achieve your goals. Scroll down for a discussion of my services (and results!).
8-week package
- 6 hours of one-on-one coaching calls
- Email support between meetings
- Other services in this package are determined based on your individual needs. See below for a description of all my services.
12-week package
- 8 hours of one-on-one coaching calls plus 3 20-minutes check-in calls
- Email support between meetings
- Other services in this package are determined based on your individual needs. See below for a description of all my services.
16-week package
- 10 hours of one-on-one coaching calls plus 5 20-minutes check-in calls
- Email support between meetings
- Other services in this package are determined based on your individual needs. See below for a description of all my services.
Appointments are typically every other week, so that you have time to implement the actions we decide upon and we can understand what is working best for you.
This is your journey. That means you’ll have to invest time in the homework we establish in order to achieve your goals and find relief from your frustration. I am your guide.
On a case-by-case basis, I also offer 1-hour appointments. These are typically only suitable for clients with very focused concerns that can be addressed in a short amount of time.
Take the first step toward resilience, contact me.
You want to get out of the hole
You want to talk to another injured athlete who gets it, has been in the hole, and knows the way out.
We’ll talk. I’ll get it. We’ll make a plan.
I provide consultation and problem solving specific to injured athletes—We will work together to uncover your biggest physical and emotional challenges, establish goals, and create a plan to make concrete progress. You’ll have me in your corner every step of the way.
You will find clarity, patience, and resourcefulness. Together we will cultivate hope and resilience by creating a bridge between despair and success. We’ll find tactics to prevent your mind from ending up in a ditch of frustration, impatience, and despair.
Athletes like to measure progress, which can be challenging in the injury-arena. You can’t measure your PR from the bed to the sofa. Never fear. I have created ways to measure your progress.
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Finding the right care team
Your brother-in-law’s cousin recommended a doctor, but you don’t know if she’s any good.
I’ll provide you with questions to ask and a framework for evaluating the answers so you can decide if you have the right team.
If this research suggests you have the wrong team, you quickly cut your losses. If you have the right team you will have more confidence moving forward.
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Second opinions
You’re looking for a team of healthcare providers who understand your active lifestyle. You want a second opinion but you don’t know who to see.
Your mom always told you to shop around; if you don’t have a second opinion you should get one.
I have a network of healthcare providers with an appreciation of our athlete mentality. With skill and compassion they will provide first-rate care.
Step one in injury recovery is assembling the right care team. Only then can your brain focus on moving forward.
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Making the most of your insurance
Calling your insurance company is worse than calling your mother-in-law. Unclear rules, answers that change by the day, and no memory of previous progress. Insurance companies are a pain.
Fortunately for you (unfortunately for me), I have extensive experience navigating insurance pitfalls.
I’m not an insurance agent, but I can provide you with universal tools to get answers from your insurance company, minimize your frustration. Together we will determine a logical path for engagement with your insurance.
No doesn’t always mean no with insurance companies. Did you know insurance companies have an appeals process? Well now you do. Together we’ll get more yeses.
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Getting the most out of your medical appointment
At your latest appointment with your doctor you were asked, “How are things going?” You answered, but didn’t really get what you wanted or needed. You went to your doctor’s appointment alone and don’t remember most of what was discussed. You think you broke your posterior humerus, but you’re not sure.
I will help you create a strategy for your doctor’s appointments, with specific questions and concerns to follow up on. Alternatively, I can attend your appointments, take notes and ask clarifying questions when appropriate. Research indicates the patient remembers only 30% of what happens during a doctor’s appointment. I will take notes and, following the appointment, I will review the notes with you.
You will understand what was discussed and the research you need to do to fully understand your next steps.
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Creativity matters
You struggle with finding activities that make you feel as good as your sport.
I’ll help you brainstorm activities you can do and may enjoy. We’ll construct creativity sessions to engage your brain in ways you may not have previously considered.
Through my research I discovered creativity is the number #1 ingredient in the recipe for success. Invoking alternate parts of your brain will free you from the mental burden of physical limitation. Creativity is like an eject button for emotional and physical pain.
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Focusing on what you can do
You are struggling to stay fit.
I have had many lower body-injured athletes tell me, “I know how to not drown, but I don’t know how to swim for fitness.” I swam competitively for 13 years. I can get you more than started.
I’m not a runner, but if you have an upper body injury, I cycled competitively for 19 years. I can get you more than started there too. I can provide bike recommendations, simple bike fitting, training ideas and referrals to specialists.
You stay fit and discover something you can do. Ask how many (very happy) cyclists used to be runners until they picked up a chronic injury. You’d be surprised how many there are. Maybe your new-found sport won’t be your forever-love, but it’ll become a good friend you can always rely on.